Grant #1801
Date: 2-23-18
Amount: $14,807
Purpose: Assist a seriously injured United States Marine and his family with the installation of a fence around their property so that the children can use the yard in relative safety.
Grant #1802
Date: 3-12-18
Amount: $6,300
Purpose: Assist a seriously injured United States Army Veteran with uncovered education expenses.
Grant #1803
Date: 4-19-18
Amount: $5,100
Purpose: Assist an injured United States Army Veteran with rent payments. The veteran’s landlord had taken legal action against her and was in the process of evicting her from her apartment. We brought an end to the legal proceedings and were able to keep this veteran housed.
Grant #1804
Date: 5-2-18
Amount: $3,000
Purpose: Support the John Tamburri Amvets Post 917 with their annual event Staten Island WelcomesOur Heroes. Annually, a number of injured warriors and their families from the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center are treated to an all expenses paid weekend in New York City.
Grant #1805
Date: 9-13-18
Amount: $5,860
Purpose: Assist a United States Army veteran and his young family with mortgage payments and with funding to re-launch a small construction business. The veteran’s work trailer and tools had been previously stolen. The Foundation’s funding provided for the purchase of a new trailer.
Grant #1806
Date: 12-12-18
Amount: $2,000
Purpose: Sponsored one student from the College of Staten Island’s Veterans Group in attending the 2019 Student Veterans of America National Conference. The conference is the premier leadership conference for student veterans.
Grant #1807
Date: 12-14-18
Amount: $7,000
Purpose: Support the New Freedom Farm, a veterans aid organization in Virginia that works with veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress. Our Foundation’s grant helped the New Freedom Farm repurpose a vacant building on their property into usable community space. Specifically, the funds paid for the installation of heating and air conditioning systems for the building.